City Wide Makes a “Ripple” in the Communities it Serves

City Wide Facility Solutions

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Starting with our CEO, Jeff Oddo, City Wide has been dedicated to our philosophy of making a positive impact on the lives of our franchisees, clients, independent contractors, employees, and community members.

As we all began to see the effects of COVID-19, we felt it was more important than ever to really live up to our philosophy and create a “ripple effect.”

It first started here in Kansas City when one of our team members, Craig Thomas, heard that schools were closing and wouldn’t be offering free lunches to students. At that time, Craig began making lunches himself and handing them out to Shawnee County students so no kid would go hungry.

Several other Home Office team members have done things such as put together snack baskets for hospital staff, sewn hundreds of masks for friends and businesses, and made more than 250 cards that were delivered to patients at a memory care center in Kansas City.

The “ripple” quickly spread across the country from the East to the South to the Midwest and all the way up into Canada. City Wide of Southern Arizona worked with a local church to provide masks and hand sanitizers to the homeless as well as provided free electrostatic disinfecting treatments to local schools. The San Antonio team volunteered their time to provide free electrostatic disinfecting and high-touch sanitization services to local nonprofit Soldiers’ Angels to give their employees and volunteers peace of mind as they began to return to the facility.

Back in the Midwest, the Kansas City, Wichita, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati locations provided free electrostatic disinfectant treatments to frontline workers. City Wide Maintenance of Kansas City worked with the Overland Park Fire Department to disinfect first responder vehicles across seven stations. In Wichita, the City Wide team spent an entire day disinfecting more than 100 frontline workers’ personal vehicles. Both the Indianapolis and Cincinnati teams worked with their local fire departments to help disinfect first responder vehicles.

Our first Canada location, City Wide of Southwestern Ontario, also used its resources to donate sprays, cloths, and wipes to a local food bank. These items helped make sure the food bank had proper cleaning supplies so it could continue to provide food to the community.

These are just few examples, and aside from giving back, all our locations have been working around the clock to meet the needs of clients and ensure the safety of their employees. We’re so proud of how City Wide has stepped up for its communities in the past few months.

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