Is the Sun to Blame for Your Parking Lot Damage?

City Wide Facility Solutions
Published on January 5, 2020

We anticipate the warmer weather months, but your building’s parking lot is about to take a beating from those UV rays. Not only will it begin to lose its color, but its durability will be greatly affected over time and the aging of it will speed up.

You may be surprised to learn when the sun is at its peak in the day, the pavement in your building’s parking lot can soar to a blazing 150 degrees. In fact, there’s a chemical reaction the sun can impose on your parking lot. Scientists have discovered when UV rays and oxygen are together in an atmosphere, they can form a unique chemical bond that ultimately causes a breakdown in what holds pavement together. As soon as this happens, it won’t be much longer before you may start to notice cracks, deterioration, or potholes around your building.

READ: Why Are Parking Lots Different in Size and Design?

Signs of Asphalt Sun Damage

It’s inevitable the sun will shine down on your building’s parking lot. Below are a few key signs sun damage has been affecting your building’s parking lot for quite some time:

  • Asphalt looks loose in some areas
  • Cracking from swelling (caused by high heat) or from water and/or shifting
  • Asphalt is spreading thin in some areas due to the high heat melting the tar for long periods of time
  • Deformity in your parking lot from the tar melting

Is There a Solution?

While there is no way to 100 percent avoid sun damage to your building’s parking lot, there are preventative measures, such as sealcoating, to slow down the process and give a longer life to the pavement.

WATCH: This Car Dealership Transforms Its Parking Lot with LEDs

Sealcoating is the process of applying a protective layer on top of pavement to shield it from water seeping into cracks and oxidation from UV rays. What’s more, a sealcoat can protect pavement from additional chemicals such as oil from cars and other chemicals in the air.

Watch the video below to see what the process may look like to have a sealcoating applied to your parking lot.

*Please note the video above is for educational and informative purposes and process may vary from client to client. City Wide does not endorse the company nor user who made the video.

Without a professional set of eyes, it’s hard to know the best solution for your business. City Wide can manage the cost-effective options for your building.

To learn more about our parking lot services we can provide for you, contact one of our locations in the United States or Canada.

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